From a tiny Edmonton cinema to a global genre phenomenon, Hybrid Genre is made by genre filmmakers FOR genre filmmakers.

Canadian, French, Colombian, Texan, Australian; we’re from everywhere! We love every mashup of genre flavors and we can’t wait to screen your new work.

“Hybrid Genre films reward and challenge your expectations. They let you feel at home, allow you to give yourself in to the promise of the premise, but also to see solutions to themes in that world and subvert your expectations in thrilling scenes.”

— Jonathan Zsofi, HybridGenre Director


  • Aaron Rachel Brown is a Toronto-based artist, arts administrator, and film curator. She has a passion for all things genre, indie, and nerdy, and is eager to share the best in genre cinema from around the world with you! With an MA in Cinema and Media Studies, Aaron coordinates and hosts our annual Toronto events, and hopes to see you at the Supermarket this year.

  • Santiago Parra is an artist, filmmaker and editor from Bogotá, Colombia. His love for film has led him to push the boundaries and think of each image as a possibility to build a connection with others. In charge of coordinating the visual communication of the festivals, he hopes you find here a space to express yourself, to be yourself and to dream.

  • Rachel Kathryn is a Texan-born producer now living the dream in Israel. She works as a producer, production manager, and film enthusiast. She has a drive for telling stories of all types! With over a decade of experience creating atmospheres of hope in cinema, Rachel is manages CinéCiné as well as a host of Hybrid Genre Festivals. She’s always ready for the new adventure!

  • Jonathan ‘Yonni’ Zsofi is a New Zealand-born international film & tv film / festival director. His aim is to unite people with cinema. He hopes to inspire through all the moments of thought, emotion and awe that come from sharing film. He’s run Hybrid Genre since its opening in Edmonton Canada, 2018 and looks forward to a shimmering future with Hyrbid Genre blazing ahead.

  • Jason Telles is a Filipino doctoral student of film, media, and journalism in Melbourne. Back in the Philippines, he worked as a media practitioner in film, television, and radio and has also taught communication studies and media production to aspiring filmmakers, journalists, and academics in the university.

  • We’re opening up new festivals and always looking for new crew. Contact us to see how you can be involved. Click here, embrace the world of HYBIRDGENRE.

Jonathan Zsofi (HybridGenre — Founder, Director.


I have no greater pleasure than bringing you the freshest genre mash-ups on the silver screen.

We’ve assembled an absolute dream team of enthusiastic producers, directors, production managers and all round film festival fans to put together our HYBRID GENRE film festivals and screenplay competitions. As a kid I was obsessed with Genre-focussed films, they lured me to the film industry, and I’ve never looked back.

I remember sitting with my grandfather watching historical war movies, or re-runs of slapstick WW2 comedies with my dad. Horror-romance slasher films with my sister, or animated fantasy epics with my mother. What these all shared experiences brought out in me was a space to delight in a slice of a vivid imagined world.

Hybrid Genre films reward and challenge your expectations. They let you feel at home, allow you to give yourself in to the promise of the premise, but also to see solutions to themes in that world and subvert your expectations in thrilling scenes.
This is why a festival dedicated to HYBRID GENRE cinema is crucial. A space where filmmakers are brave enough to create unique and daring combinations. We invite you to immerse yourself in this new edition of the festival, to enjoy the films and the community created around them.

Embrace the kaleidoscope of genre with us.

❤️ JZ & the HYBRID GENRE team.

 Featuring celebrity hosts and notable judges, IMDd Certified HYBRID GENRE screens and awards the best in genre hybrid screenplays & films. Jump in and screen with us now!


Join us this year for a mouthwatering range of hybird genre shorts and features.

We acknowledge the Indigenous peoples on which our festival’s films are shown.



Maybe you want to start your own HYBIRD GENRE, or you want to work remote or in the cinema. We’ve always got new opportunities coming in hot.

Drop us a line on our career & franchise page.


+ Official Selections and Nominees are all right here.

Laurels + Award email hotline is here too, as well as all previous official selections.

Congrats to all selections!